About TapTime :
A very light weight mechanism based on byte code injection to get method wall clock times and basic metrics like call count, lowest and max CPU times. Why not dynamic proxy ?(Reflection calls overhead and requirement to rewrite the Monitored Class to implement and enforce interface which is painful as you may only want to trace 1 method but when more methods have to tapped the interface has to be changed. Not practical at all. How is this different from any other profiling tool ? It is suitable for selective profiling unlike most profilers which instrument the entire application, this tool allows the developer to select only interesting parts of the application to be profiled.
How to use the utility:
1. Include javassist.jar and TapTime.jar in the build path /class path.2. To trace methods at runtime annotate them with @Tap
1) This has to be the very first line(preferably in a static initializer)
2) Do not maintain any static roots in the main class of those classes whose methods you want to tap.
The utility methods users may invoke
1) printStats();Method avg,min,max time clocked including independant counts.
2) printMethodsTracked();
All the tapped methods are listed out.
3) printCallStackSimple();
Ex: prints like following CALL STACK(SIMPLE)
0(1) 1(1) 1(0) 2(1) 3(1) 3(0) 3(1) 3(0) 2(0) 1(1) 1(0) 0(0)
n(m) - where n = methodId and m = 0/1 where 1 = entered into method, 0 = left from method.
4) printCallStackHierarchy();
Same as printCallStackSimple() but prints in a tree like format for methods traced instead of mundane numbers.
5) generateCommonCallSequences(); // This is the flagship method for statistics. Prints the 1 ,2 3 upto deepest level of all possible call sequence counts.
Deep dive:
We initially created a TapClassLoader with a custom findClass() implemented which injected instrumentation code on specific classes whose methods are annotated for Tap. Though this can do the inverse delegation of class loading it had to use reflection to instantiate objects of classes under Tap. This is cumbersome from user’s perspective and transfers the burden onto user. We can also make this the System class loader through -Djava.system.class.loader=taptime.TapClassLoader ,unfortunate reality is that all your classes still will be loaded by the parent class loader because of delegation model and not by your TapClassLoader. This applies even when you do
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassloader(tapClassLoader).Though you can say that this is my context class loader java will delegate the call to parent and if parent class loader is able to load the class then thats it. But if you have some weird location from which you are loading classes which are not visible to the parent class loader then you are lucky and can load the classes from the current class loader which is again because of delegation model(This is how class loaders in web containers like tomcat work). So we chose an alternate way - got rid of class loader, instead relied on temporal facts of class loading to modify and persist the bytecode. The only obvious disadvantage of this approach is we need to do a clean rebuild every time you want to run the program which is acceptable considering the smaller build time for java. This way we can be agnostic of existence of multiple threads in your program.
Currently we support specifying root package whose sub packages will be searched for Tapped methods. Plan to support multiple root packages in the future. This has not gone through rigorous testing, please let me know if you find any bugs. I hope this tool will be helpful.
Source Code:
- Hosted as TapTime at Github .Import into Netbeans and run build to generate artifacts.
Feel free to leave your feedback. Hope this tool is of some use to some one.
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